37 day enrolment in Post Retirement Planning for Seniors - Consumer Edition (BI002) - During our working years, pre-retirement planning is essential.

During our working years, pre-retirement planning is essential. But, after working for about 40 years, another chapter begins. Estimates show that the number of retirees over age 65 will increase and that an average retirement can be expected to last an average of 15 to 20 years. Retirees must allocate available assets and income to meet their retirement necessities. This is when post-retirement planning begins. This course is not about saving for retirement. It’s giving you direction in handling your finances during retirement.

Your course contains Lessons, Quizzes, and a Final Exam. Lessons are not graded, the grade shown is for your information only.  There is one Quiz per Unit. Quizzes combined together are worth 50% of your final grade, and the Final is also 50% of your grade. You must have at least a 70% score on all quizzes and the final exam to pass the course. We encourage you to attempt the quizzes as many times as you wish. Your highest score will be used. 

Course Provider: OnLine Training Institute

Post Retirement Planning for Seniors - Consumer Edition

(A CE version of this course for Insurance Agents is also available. Visit www.oltraining.com for more information).

Provider Info
Provider Name OnLine Training Institute
Course Info
Course Length 5 hours
Enrollment Length 30 days
Extension Availability Yes, a 30-day extension, for a $49.00 charge, may be requested a maximum of three times and should be requested BEFORE the course expires.
Author/Instructor Larry Hartmann
Course Availability Nationwide

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Post Retirement Planning for Seniors - Consumer Edition (BI002)

  • Product Code: BI002
  • Instructor: OnLine Training Institute
  • Availability: In Stock
    • $35.00


    for each student

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Tags: personal, development, post, retirement, planning, seniors, consumer, edition, bi002, professional, courses, online, training, institute, (bi002), Personal/Professional Development, Personal Development, All Courses